Tuesday, September 29, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 30

We reach the end today of My Joy Journal.  I hope it's been a helpful exercise for you and that you will continue to choose joy!  Keep repeating to yourself, I will choose joy!  I WILL choose joy!

On October 12 we'll begin the next series - looking through Paul's letter to the Ephesians!  It's only 6 chapters, so we'll go through it several verses at a time, Monday through Saturday.  I'm looking forward to that time with you!

But listen in to the joy of the Father over one sinner who returns home.  I hope this series on joy has brought your closer to the Father's home - where there if simply a great deal of joy over you.

Take care!  And here's the video:

Here's a wonderful version of Softly and Tenderly.  Sing along and enjoy!

Monday, September 28, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 29

Today's Joy Verse is a description of the fruits of the Spirit - and the first two are love and joy.  Love and joy.  Love of God and love of neighbor are listed as two of the greatest commandments, but remember that you are to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

How much do you really love yourself?  I mean, really love yourself as God loves you?  Sometimes we think that we shouldn't love ourselves because that takes the focus off God and others.  But let's think about that today - if we're going to embody God's first two fruits of the Spirit - love and joy - shouldn't we take some time to take joy in loving ourselves?

Think about that as you listen to the video:

Sometimes things of simple beauty just bring joy.  Here are people just listening to a song by Andrea Bocelli and Ellie Goulding called Return To Love, and their wonderful reactions.  Love and joy, together!

Sunday, September 27, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 28

I love the Joy Verse - You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

What's so wonderful about being a Christian is that we know Christ's path of life!  Today I just want to call your attention to John 3:16 - the Gospel in miniature, telling us the real way of life.

Enjoy the video!

And here's a wonderful video from 50 countries affected by Covid, singing Amazing Grace in their native tongue.  Enjoy!

Saturday, September 26, 2020

My Joy Journal Day 27

One of the many wonderful things about living in Central Oregon is the beauty of the night sky!  It's just absolutely mesmerizing to see the bright stars, the Milky Way, and the satellites and occasionally the Space Station.  I never saw much of that when I lived in Minnesota or Beaverton, and I just love seeing God's majesty!

And yet God cares about each and every one of us.  The God who created the universe and set the stars in motion still cares about each of us.  O Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Today we look at Psalm 8 to remind us of God's love for us.  And that love brings us joy!  See the Joy Practice which reminds us that is people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, they'd live a lot differently!

Check out the stars in the next couple nights, and see the joy that fills your heart!

And sometimes things of beauty just bring pure joy, like the stars at night, or just listening to the Beautiful Blue Danube with Andre Rieu.  Enjoy!

Friday, September 25, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 26

Let's think today about how available you are for God?  Are you 100% available and ready at all times?  Or sometimes somehow ready...tomorrow?  Are you in somewhat of a faith rut where you do the same things in the same ways but aren't getting much traction in your faith life?

How available are you for God?  That's the theme of what I'd like to share with you today, and I share a prayer my Matthew Kelly in his book I Heard God Laugh:  A Practical Guide for Life's Essential Daily Habit.  Here's the prayer:

Lord, here I am

I trust that you have an incredible plan for me.  Today I surrender my whole being to your care.

I surrender my life, my plans, and my very self to you.  I make myself 100 percent available to you today.

Transform me.  Transform my life.  Everything is on the table.  Take what you want to take, and give what you want to give.  Transform me into the person you created me to be, so I can live the life you envisioned for me at the beginning of time.

I hold nothing back.  I am 100 percent available.  lead me, challenge me, encourage me, and open my eyes to all your amazing possibilities.  Show me what it is you want me to do, and I will do it.  Amen.

Here's the video:

And here's a wonderful song entitled My Prayer for You by Alisa Turner.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

My Joy Journal Day 25

 Today let's talk about how we pray and what we ask God about when we pray.  I share a reading with you about Matthew Kelly who learned to change his prayers to end with the question, "God, what do you think I should do?"

I think that's an important question to regularly ask ourselves!  Many times our prayers importantly tell God a lot about what we're doing or thinking, but asking that question at the end leaves the direction in God's hands, which is a good place to leave our prayers.  Leaving the answers to our prayers in God's hands is a sure-fire way to bring joy!

So - listen in to the video!

And here's an old, old song entitled Trust and Obey - it's not the version I was originally looking for but it includes the lyrics, so that's good.  Listen in and sing along!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 24

Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord.  Think about this - have you ever done what is right, what you know you needed to faithfully do, and then regretted it?  Probably not!

But the opposite is likely true - that you might have regrets about NOT doing the next right thing, and not doing what you know you needed to faithfully do.  That likely would bring regrets.

Integrity is acting on the outside what you believe on the inside.  That's why joyful people are people of integrity - acting as much as then can like Jesus!

Think about that as you listen to the video:

And while it might be an oldie, it's still a goodie!  Sing along with Mighty To Save.  And I'll bet the louder you sing it, the more joyful you'll become!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

My Joy Journal Day 23

Today just think of a couple little things about joy.

"Do small things with great love/joy." - Mother Theresa

"Without love, deed, even the most brilliant, count as nothing." - Another St. Theresa

"Sometimes the little things ARE the big things."  Alex Burtness at 3 years old.

Think of all the little things, little joys, little decisions, little acts of love that make such a difference in our lives.  Big decisions make a difference, of course, but little decisions all along the road of life, also make a big difference!

Today just think of the little things that bring you joy.  Here's the video:


And here's a great new song entitled Little Things With Great Love.  Enjoy!

Monday, September 21, 2020

My Joy Journal Day 22

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. 

These are such great verses to memorize!  Anxiety - consolation - joy.  One needs the next and the result is joy!

One of the wonderful things about God is that God is there whenever we need consolation and God will listen as long as we want to talk about our anxiety.  It's my conviction that we need people who will listen to us, rather than talk to us.  Listening is a lost art in our culture and time!

Today just practice joy by doing more listening than talking.  Someone needs your listening ear.  And then, when you need to be listened to, there will be someone to listen to you.  

And yes, that is Eeyore in the video - so listen in!

And here's a video from Anthem Lights entitled "Who I'm Meant To Be."  Hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 21

I love the Great Boldness in our Joy Verse today!  I am acting with great boldness toward you...I am overflowing with joy.

I love great boldness!  I have thought for a very long time that there are far too many milk-toast Christians and far too few Christians who act with great boldness!  Our Christian life should be lived on the tip-toes of great expectancy, rather than sitting in a Lazy Boy faith just waiting to see what happens next.

So, think about the Joy Practice today, and seriously consider doing it!  Listen to the video and see if it convinces you to be bold and dance for joy!

SO - when you dance in your living room you may not be able to dance like this, but doesn't it look like this old-ish couple is having just a lot of joyful fun?  Nothing "religious" about this at all - but I hope it brings a smile to your face and joy to your heart!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 20

Today's Joy Verse is great!  "Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer."  Isn't that something we all need right now?

Especially being patient in tribulation.  I've said in sermons before that patience is not one of my spiritual gifts!  I don't like waiting, even for the microwave!  

But I've learned the importance of waiting and being patient, even in times of tribulation and anxiety.  In the end, God will be honored if we continue steadfastly in prayer, and remember to rejoice in hope.

So hang in there!

Here's the video:

And here's a song by Lincoln Brewster called While I Wait I Will Worship.  Perhaps not the greatest soundtrack, but great lyrics!  See what you think.

Friday, September 18, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 19

Today's Joy Verse is a great one to wake up to if you're doing it in the morning:  "Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days!"

Don't you love those mornings when you wake up and say, "Good Morning, Lord!"  Those mornings are so much better than when you wake up and say, "Good Lord, it's morning!"

That we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.  What a great focus for each morning.

Today I share some words with you about what "normal" might have been like for Lazarus after being raised from the dead.  Things were "back to normal" but not really.  How can anything be normal after such a traumatic event!  Think about that, and listen in to the video:

And I've seen this video several times, and just love it.  It's called Fall On Me by father and son, and it's just beautiful - sometimes things of beauty simply bring joy, so I share it with you to remind us that we can always fall on the grace of God!

Thursday, September 17, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 18

"You have given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests and new wine."  That's our Joy Verse for today - what a great reminder that our great and abundant joy does not come from external things or outside circumstances, but great joy comes from knowing our loving God.

And in the midst of all we're going through, when we might be tempted to ask where God is when pandemics hit, when fires rage, and when people die unexpectantly, it's important to remember the promises of God that help us make it through difficult and challenging times.  That's what I'd like to share with you today - just some verses of encouragement from God's caring Word.

So - here's the video:

This is a wonderful virtual choir and orchestra sharing "How Can I Keep from Singing."  In the opening slide it says, "In times of uncertainty, grief, and isolation, we find strength and joy in making music."  So true!  

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 17

Today's Joy Verse is so awesome:  Whatever happens, my dear brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord!

Kind of like my grandmother use to say, Praise God Anyhow!  When it's raining, Praise God Anyhow!  When it's sunshine, Praise God Anyhow!  Whatever happens, Praise God Anyhow!

Again, it's one of those perspectives on life kind of thing.  Today think about the game of dominoes, both the kind that adults play, and the kind kids play.  And then remember, like Joseph, do what pleases God, and Praise God Anyhow!

Here's the video:

And here's another great video from the Living Stones Quartet called, He Giveth More Grace.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 16

When Jesus says "In this world you will have trouble" he qualifies that with a BUT..."But I give you my peace, that where I am there you may also be."  

Today's video is just about 7 Scripture readings that may bring you peace during this "trouble" that we've been having.  At times like this we really need to turn to the Bible for hope, peace, and joy.  We need to "cast our cares upon him" and not hold them in our hearts that only serves as an anxiety producing quagmire.

Like I said in the sermon last Sunday - we need more Bible, and we need more Jesus! 

Here's the video:

And here's probably my favorite rendition of How Great Thou Art by Carrie Underwood and Vince Gill.  Enjoy!

Monday, September 14, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 15

Do you ever feel like saying, Enough Already!  I was talking with someone the other day who was thinking that locusts would perhaps be the next plague we have to live through!

Enough Already!  It's like a marathoner hitting the wall, or a triathlete bonking, or just reaching the end of your rope.  Whatcha gonna do?

Luckily, in the words of Max Lucado in our reading today, God says, "You'll get through this.  It won't be painless.  It won't be quick.  But I will use this mess for good.  In the meantime, don't be foolish or naive.  but don't despair either."

Hang in there!  Here's the video:

But fear not!  Just for some delightful fun, lighten up your heart by spending a couple minutes with the Sugar Plum Fairy!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 14

Greetings on Day 14!  Our Joy Verse for today talks about the God of hope filling you with joy so that you may overflow with hope.  My goodness - we need hope and joy these days!

In the video I share an article I found that makes the interesting observation that pain is inevitable, but misery is optional.  She writes, "God will let you be as miserable as you want to be for as long as you want to be."  But she has a hard and fast rule that all pity or misery parties are limited to 45 minutes - then it's so much for misery and back to joy.

Interesting observation!  Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional.  That's something to think about these days when there are plenty of things to be miserable about!  But in the midst of that, choose joy.  I choose joy!

Here's the video:

Here's a great new song (to me at least...) from Jeremy Camp entitled, Keep Me In The Moment.  Sometimes all we have is the moment!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 13

It's Day 13!  Today I'd like to focus on those words from Winnie The Pooh who once said, "Don't underestimate the value of doing nothing."  I have a lot of trouble doing that - I am doing something all hours of the day, and often don't take time just to do nothing.  Even though we are human beings, I often act as if I am a human doing!

But there is tremendous value in just doing nothing - in resting, in reflecting, in just filling your mind with silence instead of the things that we are distracted with every moment of the day!

Today just try that.  Jesus did that a lot - he withdrew to a mountain or a solitary place, and prayed and opened his heart to God.  It seems to be right now that we need a whole lot more of that!  Give it a try today!

Here's the video:

And here's a beautiful A Capella recording of Be Still My Soul.  Enjoy as you still your own soul!

Friday, September 11, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 12

As if things couldn't get worse, they did.  The fires, devastation, loss of lives, homes, and businesses throughout Oregon are just horrible.  It's just awful what's happening.

Yet even during these times we need to focus our hearts and minds on things of God.  In the verse from Zephaniah today I just want to focus on the words, "...he will quiet you by his love..."

He will quiet you by his love.  Our hearts need to be in prayer for the fire fighters and EMTs who are working on behalf of so many people, and also on those who have lost so much with these fires.  We need to have our hearts of prayer quieted by God's love.  Pray without ceasing, by all means.  And then pray some more for God to quiet you by his love.

Be sure to keep safe, stay inside if you have any respiratory issues, and pray, pray, and then pray some more.

Here's the video:

And here's one of my favorite songs that I rely on at times like these - Casting Crown's Praise You In This Storm.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 11

Do you ever have just "one of those days"?  Days when it's hard to get out of bed in the morning; days when you wonder what's going on in our world; days when you wonder when this pandemic will be over and we'll be able to safely gather back in church again and you can travel to see family again?

Many days are just "one of those days" and sometimes it can be a little discouraging!

Today our Joy Verse is:  Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.  I love that verse!  Weeping, frustration, discouragement are not lasting - joy and rejoicing can come in the morning!

Today I just read a children's book for you that I hope you enjoy!  It's entitled One Of Those Days, by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Rebecca Doughty.  Enjoy!

Here's the video:

And just because we're on the theme of kids today, here's an absolutely adorable version of "Because He Lives!"  Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 10

Today’s wonderful verse is from Philippians 4:4: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice!”

I’m not sure about you, but the “always” is quite a challenge right now! With the global pandemic, financial uncertainty, fires and smoke destroying homes and towns, civil unrest that continues to challenge us – you know, these are tough times when it’s very hard to rejoice in the Lord always!

Nonetheless, it’s important to rejoice in the Lord always, even with small things that we can do that bring joy into our lives. Today I give some suggestions for you to consider, so take a listen and see what you think. And then give some of them a try and see if that helps you rejoice in the Lord always!

Here’s the video:

And here’s a video from Sidewalk Prophets entitled Smile – and the chorus sings “There’s always a reason to always choose joy.” Good advice!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

My Joy Journal Day 9

Today let's focus just on the little things that bring joy!  There are big joys in life, like reading to your San Diego granddaughter as I did over the weekend! But the little things come from a perspective, an outlook, an attitude on life that grounds you in a sense of joy.

In the video I read to you some quotes that I like on joy, and having a sense of joy in your life of faith.  Like:

"The most valuable thing the Psalms do for me is to express the same delight in God which made David dance."  C.S. Lewis

"Gratitude changes the pangs of memory into a tranquil joy."  Dietrich Bonhoeffer

"Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow."  Helen Keller.

Enjoy your day, or at least as many moments in your day as you can!

Here's the video:

And for a little joy in little things, how about playing Vivaldi's Summer, from his Four Seasons, with four guitars on the side of a mountain?  Yeah, that should bring joy!

Monday, September 7, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 8

Today is Day 8 and our focus is being “present” in the moment to experience the fullness of joy.  Sometimes distractions or worries or “hamster wheel brain” detract us from just stilling our hearts and experiencing joy.  In fact, the present moment, right now, can be filed with joy if you are attentive rather than distracted.  Sometimes we have “if only” thinking – if only this would change, if only I had this or that, if only something would change, then I could experience joy.

But today start to just see joy in the ordinary moments of every day.  Just slow down your thinking and notice the beauty and wonder and joy of what’s happening all around you.  As it says in our Joy verse, fix your eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.  Take a quiet moment just to give thanks and experience joy!


We’ve sung this song in church before, and it’s just a wonderful way to sing an old song in a new way – Turn Your Eyes Unto Jesus.  Enjoy!

Sunday, September 6, 2020

My Joy Journal Day 7

Day 7 is when we hear about “keystone habits” or triggers that lead us to more joyful practices.  Many of our actions each day are habitual, meaning that we do many of the same things, day after day.  During this time and this focus on joyful living, it’s important to try to focus on habits and actions that move us forward rather than move us back.  See what you think about some of the suggestions and put them to use!

Here’s the video:

And we all need to be raised up during this time – and I love “You Raise Me Up” so you can sing along with this, even if you can’t hit the high notes!

Saturday, September 5, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 6

Day 6! Don’t you love the Joy Verse: They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads!

On the other hand, why is it so difficult to be joyful these days? In the video I mention how to be JOYFUL and am repeating it below so you don’t have to take notes:

J – Jettison regrets about your past.

O – Omit worries about your future

Y – Yield yourself to God’s purpose.

F – Focus on what’s good.

U – Use your time to help others.

L – Learn to be content.

There you have it! Try to practice each of those – practice means trying to do it again and again because they may be tough to do at first, but if you continue to practice and try each one, it gets easier, better, and more joyful!

Here’s the video:

And sing along with the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir to “My Life is in Your Hands.” That’s why we can be joyful – because our lives are in God’s hands!

Friday, September 4, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 5

Why Joy?  That's what Bishop Matthew Harrison asked himself when a friend of his asked him to write "A Little Book on Joy."  I read some of his introduction in the video today, and one of the things he says is that so many churches, so many pastors and Christians have little joy today.  These are difficult times."

He wrote that several years ago, way before the pandemic and all the other difficult things we're facing in our lives and our country right now.  Why Joy?

Because all through the Bible there are references to joy, if you look for them.  So also in your life - there are many instances of joy, if you look for them.  I put together My Joy Journal for you simply as an attempt to help you see the many things in your life that can bring joy to your heart.  As Jesus says, "These things I have said to you that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full."

Why joy?  That's why!  Here's the video:

You likely know Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring.  But have you seen it played by a wooden ball in a forest on a wooden xylophone?  If not, turn up your volume and enjoy!

Thursday, September 3, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 4

Welcome to Day 4 of My Joy Journal!  I hope this is helpful - if you'd like to give any feedback you can either email me at eric.burtness@gmail.com or just make a comment at the bottom of the blog.  I'd love to hear about your experience!

Today's Joy Practice is just to support local businesses, wherever you are.  Many local businesses are having a challenging time, so supporting them, and tipping generously if you are eating is so important.  Not only does it help out the businesses, but it also brings more joy to your heart than it costs your wallet!

Enjoy this day - if you're doing the Joy Journal regularly it's the beginning of Labor Day Weekend for you, and I hope you have a good and relaxing and safe time!  Take time for joy this weekend!

Here's the video:

And enjoy this beautiful rendition of Canon in D - sometimes things of beauty just bring joy!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 3

Welcome to Day 3!  "The prospect of the righteous is joy..." is our verse for today - the word "prospect" could also be translated the attitude, or the outlook, or the perspective...of the righteous is joy!

Even in these difficult times I think it's important to focus on joy - that's why I ask in the Joy Practice to look around for your house or apartment for 3 things that bring you joy.  As you look around at those three things, think for a moment about why they bring you joy; what memories do they elicit or bring back from the time you got them?  What thoughts flood into your head?  What kind of joy does it bring?

Think of these things, as Paul says!  Here's the video:

And here's a concert entitled, "The Typewriter."  Nothing religious about it at all, but just sit back and enjoy!

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 2

How did yesterday go?  I hope it went well for you and that you were able to find joy!  Just a personal note - yes, I was able to ignore my phone for 2 hours and spend time uninterrupted with Margaret, so that was very good!

Today just think about your focus, as what you focus on is where you often end up.  Repeat the Joy Verse to yourself multiple times because it's such a great verse about having our hearts refreshed with joy!

And like I said yesterday, if you have a problem seeing the video on your iPhone, go to the bottom of the page and click on the web version, which should work well!

Here's the video:

And just because I just love flash mobs, here's a wonderful one on Ode To Joy.  Enjoy!

  My Joy Journal Day 30 We reach the end today of My Joy Journal.  I hope it's been a helpful exercise for you and that you will continu...