Friday, September 4, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 5

Why Joy?  That's what Bishop Matthew Harrison asked himself when a friend of his asked him to write "A Little Book on Joy."  I read some of his introduction in the video today, and one of the things he says is that so many churches, so many pastors and Christians have little joy today.  These are difficult times."

He wrote that several years ago, way before the pandemic and all the other difficult things we're facing in our lives and our country right now.  Why Joy?

Because all through the Bible there are references to joy, if you look for them.  So also in your life - there are many instances of joy, if you look for them.  I put together My Joy Journal for you simply as an attempt to help you see the many things in your life that can bring joy to your heart.  As Jesus says, "These things I have said to you that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full."

Why joy?  That's why!  Here's the video:

You likely know Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring.  But have you seen it played by a wooden ball in a forest on a wooden xylophone?  If not, turn up your volume and enjoy!

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  My Joy Journal Day 30 We reach the end today of My Joy Journal.  I hope it's been a helpful exercise for you and that you will continu...