Tuesday, September 29, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 30

We reach the end today of My Joy Journal.  I hope it's been a helpful exercise for you and that you will continue to choose joy!  Keep repeating to yourself, I will choose joy!  I WILL choose joy!

On October 12 we'll begin the next series - looking through Paul's letter to the Ephesians!  It's only 6 chapters, so we'll go through it several verses at a time, Monday through Saturday.  I'm looking forward to that time with you!

But listen in to the joy of the Father over one sinner who returns home.  I hope this series on joy has brought your closer to the Father's home - where there if simply a great deal of joy over you.

Take care!  And here's the video:

Here's a wonderful version of Softly and Tenderly.  Sing along and enjoy!

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  My Joy Journal Day 30 We reach the end today of My Joy Journal.  I hope it's been a helpful exercise for you and that you will continu...