Thursday, September 24, 2020

My Joy Journal Day 25

 Today let's talk about how we pray and what we ask God about when we pray.  I share a reading with you about Matthew Kelly who learned to change his prayers to end with the question, "God, what do you think I should do?"

I think that's an important question to regularly ask ourselves!  Many times our prayers importantly tell God a lot about what we're doing or thinking, but asking that question at the end leaves the direction in God's hands, which is a good place to leave our prayers.  Leaving the answers to our prayers in God's hands is a sure-fire way to bring joy!

So - listen in to the video!

And here's an old, old song entitled Trust and Obey - it's not the version I was originally looking for but it includes the lyrics, so that's good.  Listen in and sing along!

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  My Joy Journal Day 30 We reach the end today of My Joy Journal.  I hope it's been a helpful exercise for you and that you will continu...