Wednesday, September 23, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 24

Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord.  Think about this - have you ever done what is right, what you know you needed to faithfully do, and then regretted it?  Probably not!

But the opposite is likely true - that you might have regrets about NOT doing the next right thing, and not doing what you know you needed to faithfully do.  That likely would bring regrets.

Integrity is acting on the outside what you believe on the inside.  That's why joyful people are people of integrity - acting as much as then can like Jesus!

Think about that as you listen to the video:

And while it might be an oldie, it's still a goodie!  Sing along with Mighty To Save.  And I'll bet the louder you sing it, the more joyful you'll become!

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