Saturday, September 5, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 6

Day 6! Don’t you love the Joy Verse: They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads!

On the other hand, why is it so difficult to be joyful these days? In the video I mention how to be JOYFUL and am repeating it below so you don’t have to take notes:

J – Jettison regrets about your past.

O – Omit worries about your future

Y – Yield yourself to God’s purpose.

F – Focus on what’s good.

U – Use your time to help others.

L – Learn to be content.

There you have it! Try to practice each of those – practice means trying to do it again and again because they may be tough to do at first, but if you continue to practice and try each one, it gets easier, better, and more joyful!

Here’s the video:

And sing along with the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir to “My Life is in Your Hands.” That’s why we can be joyful – because our lives are in God’s hands!

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