Saturday, September 12, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 13

It's Day 13!  Today I'd like to focus on those words from Winnie The Pooh who once said, "Don't underestimate the value of doing nothing."  I have a lot of trouble doing that - I am doing something all hours of the day, and often don't take time just to do nothing.  Even though we are human beings, I often act as if I am a human doing!

But there is tremendous value in just doing nothing - in resting, in reflecting, in just filling your mind with silence instead of the things that we are distracted with every moment of the day!

Today just try that.  Jesus did that a lot - he withdrew to a mountain or a solitary place, and prayed and opened his heart to God.  It seems to be right now that we need a whole lot more of that!  Give it a try today!

Here's the video:

And here's a beautiful A Capella recording of Be Still My Soul.  Enjoy as you still your own soul!

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