Friday, September 11, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 12

As if things couldn't get worse, they did.  The fires, devastation, loss of lives, homes, and businesses throughout Oregon are just horrible.  It's just awful what's happening.

Yet even during these times we need to focus our hearts and minds on things of God.  In the verse from Zephaniah today I just want to focus on the words, "...he will quiet you by his love..."

He will quiet you by his love.  Our hearts need to be in prayer for the fire fighters and EMTs who are working on behalf of so many people, and also on those who have lost so much with these fires.  We need to have our hearts of prayer quieted by God's love.  Pray without ceasing, by all means.  And then pray some more for God to quiet you by his love.

Be sure to keep safe, stay inside if you have any respiratory issues, and pray, pray, and then pray some more.

Here's the video:

And here's one of my favorite songs that I rely on at times like these - Casting Crown's Praise You In This Storm.


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