Wednesday, September 9, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 10

Today’s wonderful verse is from Philippians 4:4: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice!”

I’m not sure about you, but the “always” is quite a challenge right now! With the global pandemic, financial uncertainty, fires and smoke destroying homes and towns, civil unrest that continues to challenge us – you know, these are tough times when it’s very hard to rejoice in the Lord always!

Nonetheless, it’s important to rejoice in the Lord always, even with small things that we can do that bring joy into our lives. Today I give some suggestions for you to consider, so take a listen and see what you think. And then give some of them a try and see if that helps you rejoice in the Lord always!

Here’s the video:

And here’s a video from Sidewalk Prophets entitled Smile – and the chorus sings “There’s always a reason to always choose joy.” Good advice!

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