Monday, September 7, 2020

 My Joy Journal Day 8

Today is Day 8 and our focus is being “present” in the moment to experience the fullness of joy.  Sometimes distractions or worries or “hamster wheel brain” detract us from just stilling our hearts and experiencing joy.  In fact, the present moment, right now, can be filed with joy if you are attentive rather than distracted.  Sometimes we have “if only” thinking – if only this would change, if only I had this or that, if only something would change, then I could experience joy.

But today start to just see joy in the ordinary moments of every day.  Just slow down your thinking and notice the beauty and wonder and joy of what’s happening all around you.  As it says in our Joy verse, fix your eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.  Take a quiet moment just to give thanks and experience joy!


We’ve sung this song in church before, and it’s just a wonderful way to sing an old song in a new way – Turn Your Eyes Unto Jesus.  Enjoy!

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